Thursday, November 28, 2019

Dove Essay Example

Dove Essay Compare the video images to your own mental pictures and ideas about the poem. Has your understanding of the poem changed? 2. Review the structure of an effective interpretive sentence. Example 1 Consider the following question from Sound and a sample sentence like the kind you might construct. Remember that the structural elements of an interpretive sentence include: the context, a literary device, text examples, interpretation, and connecting words that create coherence. Question: Why are irregular lines, enjambment, and pauses within a line appropriate for a poem with a seaside setting? In Dover Beach complex rhythmic patterns capture the motion of waves rolling onto a seashore and withdrawing: short and long lines visually imitate the waves movement; enjambment and internal pauses echo the simultaneous but opposing forces of incoming waves and the underlying outward pull of the sea. Example 2 Consider the information in the first multiple-choice question from Meaning and a sample sentence like the kind you might construct. QUESTION 1: Each stanza of Dover Beach has a specific setting-?suggested through literal description, allusion, or metaphor. Choose the most accurate answer about eating and mood in the poem: A window view of the English Channel, evoking both peaceful and sad feelings Allusions to the glory of ancient Greece and the recurring tragedy of human misery The past glory of a metaphorical Sea of Faith and the present reality of melancholy The speakers wish for fulfillment and the despair of a metaphorical battle scene All of the above Sample Sentence: In all the stanzas of Dover Beach, language describing setting suggests positive and negative moods, a part of the larger motif of contrast conveyed by setting-?sea and land, present and past, real and advertorial places, the individual and society, national and universal identity. 3. Construct at least ten interpretive sentences. As resources, use the questions and answers from Meaning along with your writing. Consult the poem and the Glossary as needed. Many items may yield more than one sentence. QUESTION 2: In the style of the dramatic monologue, the speaker add resses a listener. We will write a custom essay sample on Dove specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Dove specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Dove specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Stanza 3 best illustrates this listeners absence from the speakers mind; the speaker seems lost in his melancholy thoughts, completely forgetting his lovers presence. RESPONSE WRITER: What is ironic bout the speakers attitude (given the romantic setting) and his lyric voice (given the definition of a dramatic monologue)? QUESTION 3: Analyze the language of the poem. The s sound occurs repeatedly as initial, medial, and end sounds in words throughout Dover Beach. The sibilants in the first stanza are sea, lies, straits, coast, Gleams, cliffs, stand, vast, sweet, spray, sea, meets, Listen, pebbles, waves, strand, cease, tremulous, cadence, slow, sadness RESPONSE WRITER: Observe the use of is sounds in the remainder of the poem as well. With specific examples, explain why the repetition of this mound is appropriate, given the setting and mood. QUESTION 4: In the first stanza of Dover Beach, the sea/land words and the words that refer to sound and visual images are Sea: sea, tide, straits, bay, spray, waves Land: coast, cliffs, land, pebbles, strand Sound: Listen, hear, grating roar, waves, cadence, note Visual Images: moon, light/Gleams, Glimmering, tranquil bay, moon-blanched RESPONSE WRITER: Observe the general locations of each of these four groups of words in the stanza. What do these examples of diction and imagery contribute to the poems motif of contrast and connected opposites? QUESTION 5: Diction conveys both positive and negative moods. The words in the first stanza that have positive connotations and those with negative connotations are Positive: calm, full, fair, gleams, glimmering, tranquil, sweet Negative: grating, roar, draw back, fling, tremulous, sadness RESPONSE WRITER: Think about the ideas and moods communicated through these contrasting patterns of words. Does moon-blanched land belong with the list of positive or negative connotations? Support your answer by commenting on the mean inning and locations of words with positive and negative connotations n this and the remaining stanzas of the poem. QUESTION 6: In the first stanza of Dover Beach, the motif of contrast and connected opposites is reinforced by all of these devices: 1 . Geographical details: Opposite shores of England and France are connected by water and the speakers viewpoint 2. Spatial details: Narrow window, close at hand, frames the distant sea and land 3. Reflective observation and direct address: Inward self-reflection merges with social interaction 4. Apparatus: Opposing movements of waves are connected by repeated coordinate conjunctions QUESTION 7: Despite its irregularity, the hymen scheme of Dover Beach has meaningful patterns. The end rhymes for words in the first stanza and their patterns are ABA: to-night, fair, light c:stand, land, strand db:bay, night-air, spray e:roar (rhymes with shore and roar in stanza 3) fog:fling, begin, bring in RESPONSE WRITER: How do these rhymes support the motif of contrast and connected opposites in Dover Beach? QUESTION 8: The following language choices and literary devices in the second stanza are parallel to an element of the first stanza: Allusions: Sophocles and the ?Egan parallel the speaker by he English Channel The pronoun it: Heard it refers to the grating roar; brought it parallels bring/The eternal note of sadness in The pronoun we: The pronoun we refers to the speaker and the listener in the first stanza Repetition: Repetition of Begin, and cease, and then again begin parallels ebb and flow QUESTION 9: Clarify the metaphor in the first three lines of the third stanza. Both the sea and the bright girdle furled are part of the vehicle. The best description of its tenor is IA universal faith once unified and enhanced human existence. The tenor of the metaphor is its abstract meaning.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Medieval Medicine Essays

Medieval Medicine Essays Medieval Medicine Essay Medieval Medicine Essay When we hear the word medicine, doesnt that imply it is a remedy to cure a sickness or disease? Medicine is used to restore our faith, hope, and most importantly, our lives. For hundreds of years, medicine has been known to cure many people including those who had barely an ounce of life left. However, as the Middle Ages progressed, medieval medicine became popular among people even though it was killing them instead of healing them. One example is the Black Death. As this horrible disease was spreading rapidly in Central Asia and Europe in the 1320s, thousands of people were dying and were in need of help. Some practices of medieval medicine were Phlebotomy, or bloodletting; which consisted of leeching, cupping, and venesection. (Livingston) Although patients often died because of infections, the loss of consciousness, and cutting of arteries, which caused unstoppable bleeding, many physicians believed this was a method of surgery. In leeching, the physician would attach an annelid worm to the effected area and allow the leech to do its job. With the cupping method, when the cup was heated hot enough, it acted like a vacuum and sucked the blood up through the skin. For venesection, it was the direct opening of a vein, generally on the inside of the arm, for the draining of a substantial quantity of blood. (Livingston) The process of bloodletting was from an idea that blood was to be drawn from a specific vein so it would affect a particular organ. As previously mentioned the basis of most medical knowledge at the time came from Galens Theory of the Four Humours. The theory was that the body comprised of 4 major elements. These were Blood, Black Bile, Yellow Bile and Phlegm. It was understood that if these were not in perfect balance then the body would suffer and the patient would be ill, leading to one of the four conditions which were being Melancholy, Phlegmatic, Choleric or Sanguine. 4 To restore the patient to full health it was understood that these four elements needed to be rebalanced. This generally occurred by purging of the patient, more commonly known as Bloodletting. This could be done in three ways. Opening of a vein, which often lead to the patient bleeding to death; Cupping, which was just piercing the skin and collecting a small amount of blood in a cup; or the use of Leeches. The phrase Leech was Anglo-Saxon for healer. 5 A patient could also be purged via the use of natural laxatives. 6 Medical knowledge initially developed differently throughout the world. The Arabs were leaders at the time in medicines and herbal remedies. They adhered to the teachings of Galen and Hippocrates, but were also infamous for being fore-runners in the testing of new medicines. This was largely because of the fact that the Koran taught Muslims to take care of their fellow ill man, yet prohibited dissection, so the Arabs could only really advance in the field of medicine. At the same time the Indians and Chinese were rapidly becoming infamous for their advanced Surgery techniques. By 1300 the Indians had developed a form of Skin graft called the Indian Graft which is still in use of today. At the same time the Chinese had developed advanced forms of acupuncture to help alleviate pain. By approximately 1400 due to trade routes stretching from the far east all the way to Europe, medicines and medical procedures were becoming very centralised due to the growing ease at which knowledge was being spread. Physicians of the time were taught in the growing number of Universities spread across Europe. Primarily the Universities were focussed in Northern Italy and Southern Spain but there were 2 Universities in England, one in Oxford and one in Cambridge. Despite they were still very few and far between and qualified physicians were very rare commodities. Because of this they charged large fees and were generally only accessible to the higher classes. 10 During a physicians training, he would never actually come into direct contact with a patient. All they would learn would be the works of Galen and how to treat a patients as opposed to understanding the nature of the patients ailment. There were some exceptions to this such as the medical school in Bologna, which became infamous for the fact that it specialised in hands on teaching of surgery. 11 The average commoner only had access to medical knowledge via two different routes. Firstly there was the Barber Surgeon, who would arrive in a town each market day. He would be able to perform basic tasks such as the pulling of teeth, setting of bones and amputations. This would generally take place on the street surrounded by viewers and all the filth that accrued in the street. As you can imagine this wasnt a particularly clean process, and barber surgeons were infamous for spreading of germs and disease through the use of infected equipment. This use of dirty equipment also lead to high numbers of people surgeries becoming infected. The second option the commoner would have would be to visit a local wise woman. This would often be a learned older lady who had a fair grasp of various medicines. She could recommend treatments depending on the ailment according to ancient books known as Leechdoms; which would have lists of medicines dating back as far as Anglo Saxon times. A problem many Wise Women faced was if their medicines did not work, then they were open to the accusation of witchcraft. 12 Medical knowledge at the time was split into three main fields. These were Medicine, Surgery and Bloodletting. Medicine was chiefly made up of Herbs and Animals; however there was some use of minerals too, such as Ash. Most knowledge of medicine recipes at the time was written down in ancient texts, often dating back as far as Galen. Obviously medicine was a continually improving field, with most advancement taking place in the Arabic world as previously mentioned. Most of the older remedies generally appeared to have no logical reason, yet people believed in them due to the fact they had been written down and lasted for so long. An example of this is John of Arderne, who recommended that someone who suffered from Epilepsy should have the crumbs of a roasted Cuckoo blown up their nose as a cure. 13 Surgery in this period was very gradual in terms of its advance. This was largely down to the fact that Western Religion (Catholicism) was against the practice of dissection. Because of this fact very few were prepared to take the risk of finding out more about the human body. An example of one person who did have a good grasp of specialist surgery is an Italian Physician called Mondino Di Luzzi, who became much respected in the world of Medicine. 14 It wasnt really until the fifteenth century that surgery began to advance more rapidly as the church realised it was essential to allow further study into the human anatomy. Most surgical knowledge of the time however, was picked up in the field of battle. This was due to the high number of sustained casualties that doctors had to deal with. The main issue surrounding surgery at the time was the lack of an efficient anaesthetic. This lead to Surgery generally being the last form of action taken against any ailment. People such as John of Arderne did try to develop useful anaesthetics using such things as opium and heroin, but these rarely worked and generally a patient had to be tied down or held down whilst a physician worked on them. As you can imagine this lead to a drastically high number of patients dieing from shock. 15 Bloodletting at the time was a favourite procedure of most physicians. This was because, and I quote It clears the mind, strengthens the memory, cleanses the guts, dries up the brain, warms the marrow, sharpens the hearing and curbs tears.. Promotes Digestion, produces a musical voice, dispels sleepiness, drives away anxiety, feeds the bloods, rids it of poisonous matters and gives long life.. it cures pains, fevers and various sicknesses and makes urine clear and clean16 As you can see with physicians genuinely believing all of this, then bloodletting seemed the miracle cure for almost any ailment. Due to the high use of bloodletting it became a precise science and there were tens of various bloodletting points all over the body. Various illnesses corresponded with a certain bloodletting point. 17 Despite the advances in medical understanding there was still a real belief in the supernatural. Religion played a big part. Many people saw that an illness was the punishment of God and that only God could lift this punishment from the people. In times of severe illness such as the plague religious extremism was rife, with groups such as the flagellans walking from town to town whipping themselves and asking forgiveness from God. 18 Also because of the belief in Illness being the will of God, many religious leaders saw advances in the medical field as heresy. The only medical knowledge the church officially recognised was the writing of Galen. They renounced anything else. This ultimately lead to the church hindering rather than helping their people. 19 Another aspect that played a large part in Medicine was Astrology. It was taken very seriously at the time as a rapidly advancing science. There was a genuine belief that the movement of the planets affected someones physical state. It was believed that you could only operate on someone when their planets were in the correct alignment and it was certainly impossible to ever operate when the moon was in conjunction with a persons particular star sign. All major physicians would consult an Astrologist prior to carry out any treatment. 20 Partly, I believe to distribute the blame if it all went wrong. Superstition also played a part in religion in many ways at the time, as superstition stills plays a part nowadays. In fourteenth Century Europe it was genuinely believed that whether a person would live or die could be determined by placing a bird of prey at the end of their bed. If the bird looked at them then they would live, if the bird looked away, the patient would die. 21 During this particular period there was approximately 1200 hospitals in England and Wales. However only about 10% actually cared for the sick. Most hospitals were actually set up to care for the elderly, poor or lepers, but they didnt actually offer any particular medical help. People who were suffering from an infectious disease never were permitted into a hospital in the fear that they may quickly infect the other hospital patients. The primary role of Hospitals at the time was to allow rest and the administration of medicine as opposed to actually trying to cure someones illness. Hospitals of the time were often very religious and were generally runs by Nuns who acted as nurses, although you could have common women working in them as lay-nurses. In most wards you would find an alter at which to pray. Usually you would be praying for the person who has funded the hospital. 22 Its interesting to note that established Hospitals only began to appear in western Europe around the high middle ages. Hospitals as an idea were not new and had been used by the Romans and even as far back as Sri Lankans around 500BC. 23 Finally its relevant to point out that women were common in Medieval medicine despite not being accepted into other fields at the time. However they were not allowed to become qualified physicians and only really were permitted to practice on other women and children, primarily in the role of a midwife. There were some exceptions to this rule as early as the eleventh century in the famous school of Salerno which sanctioned women to learn and practice medicine on the same level as men. The reason this was permitted is as follows In the fourteenth and fifteenth century, women did practice in the city [Salerno]. Women do, in fact, seem to have been tolerated in medical practice as in no other profession. One reason for such tolerance is that caring for the sick was regarded as charity and came within the scope of those who were in orders, nuns as well as monks. 24 To conclude it can be seen that medicine of the time was quite primitive, yet there was some degree of understanding of the body and advances were made, if nothing else than via the method of trial and error. Medicine continued to advance slowly, but not for another 500 years did medicine really start to resemble the medical world we see of today.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Falling Head Permeability Test Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Falling Head Permeability Test - Lab Report Example In the falling head test, the standpipe provides both the head of water and a means of measurement of the quantity of water flowing through the sample. The sample is connected to the standpipe whose diameter is most suited for it. The falling head principle is applied to the undisturbed sample that is in a sampling tube. The Falling Head Permeability test is done on soils whose permeability is less than 10-4 m/s. The coefficient of permeability, k, is the rate of discharge of a liquid and is directly proportional to the hydraulic gradient, i, and the cross-sectional area, a, of the sample (Mabrouk). The coefficient of permeability of the soil sample tested is k1= 5.41Ãâ€"10-5 m/s k2= 6.18Ãâ€"10-5 m/s. the mean Kmean = 5.795Ãâ€"10-5m/s. Based on the classification highlighted in step 9 of the experimental procedures, the soil sample can be defined to be of low permeability. Hence, the sample, which contains intermediate sized particles of and holds moistures, can be interpreted to be a silt clay. From these results, the general experiment of determining the coefficient of permeability of a soil sample can be described. Furthermore, the relationship between the coefficient of permeability and the pore size of the fine-grained soils has been established (Chiasson). This test was conducted for a single primary reason: to calculate the permeability of samples using the falling head permeability test. This test, which was conducted according to the laid down procedure found the coefficient of permeability to be valid.